May 31, 2011

Corridor Theory?

I shall delve into it further once I have the time to really flesh out the foundations.

I would attempt to discuss the 'galaxies within a black hole' theory and the Infinite Corridor (not the MIT one)

Can consciousness really be defined by an equation? What is the relationship between consciousness and energy?

The main question: where does the corridor factor into all this?

Disclaimer: I cannot promise astonishing results, and the Corridor Theory might be just another way of stringing seemingly random stuff together. Worst case scenario, this blog will then be a full-fledged Physics + Life blog(i.e. no more Corridor Theories, just the name.). If all goes well, however, we will delve more into the corridors of the universe.

Dark Energy?

May 23, 2011

Genius at work, debating the Big Bang Theory and has his own Quantum Theory.



Jacob Barnett?

Who's he?


Jake taught himself algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus in 2 weeks.
He's studying physics at IUPUI.

He's 12.

He can solve pi to 200 digits.

I highly suggest you read the entirety of this article:

Semi-related stuff:
In perspective, what have I been doing these past few years? I have to admit, I think of myself as an intelligent individual with slightly above-average IQ.

I'm still struggling with calculus and trigonometry.

Jacob ate it all up in two weeks.

Semi-related stuff Part II:
In all honesty, I'm a little bit jealous >.>
 I am also amazed at Jacob's incredible achievements, and am definitely looking forward to his future scientific contributions.


Fever, Fervor.

Two words that sound almost the same, have the same ring to them.

What do we know about ourselves? Where are we going?

What makes the colour blue, blue? What is gravity?

Why does space exist? What is time?

What is nothing?

D'où Venons Nous? Que Sommes Nous? Où Allons Nous?

I request that you look away from your screen for approximately 30 seconds, focus on everything that is happening around you, from the movement of the indifferent air particles around you, to the electronic circuits that slave away in your computer processor.

At the end of all things, we ask ourselves- What have we achieved? Where are we going?

Why do we strive? Why do we learn?

What is living? What does it mean, to be alive?

Alas, these philosophical questions have been bugging me since the beginning of time. I fear I have yet to find the answers to any of the questions above, nor find a plausible theory to mask them up with.

We constantly pursue happiness, we are never satisfied with what we have. We reach for the moon, yet when we land amongst the stars, we dust them aside and jump again. Mankind has broken boundary after boundary, and yet another question rises to take its place, like a multi-headed Hydra.

This 'force' that propels all living things forward surely must originate from the same source.

It is this force that makes adapting possible.

There must be some chemical.
chemical in your brain.
That makes us different from animals.
makes us all the same.

I will share more of my thoughts as the pieces fall into place.

What are your thoughts?
Comments are much appreciated.

excerpt taken from 'Never Hear Surf Music Again -Free Blood-'

May 18, 2011

Black Box

This article is about black box systems.

A black box is a component that is viewed primarily in terms of its input, output and transfer characteristics without any knowledge of its internal workings.

We first encounter the use of the black box in Physics when we encounter the Operational Amplifiers, and how to use them. The internal workings of the Op-Amp can be ignored, and replaced with the black box. Why do we do this?

Well, the uses of the Op-Amp, to a complete greenhorn, is intimidating enough without knowing the internal circuitry of the Op-Amp.

An Op-Amp can:
  • Do mathematical calculations
  • Compare Voltages
  • Convert an analog signal to a digital signal [Analogue-Digital Converter]
  • Function as a NOT gate 
  • be a buffer amplifier
  • participate in an oscillator
  • function as a Voltage Integrator
Now, if you were to study the topics mentioned above, coupled with the internal workings of the black box as shown below:
741 op-amp (8 pins) can see why the black box comes into play now.

Read more here:
Wikipedia's entry on black boxes

The black box even has a theory of its own! Named the Black box theory, or theories, they show a system with a black box in it. For example, Sir Newton produced his black box theory of science as explaining only how things happen but not why things happen.
 Thus, the birth of the Laws of Motion.

Black box theories are brought up in multiple fields of philosophy and science by a number of philosophers and scientists. Even our consciousness is defined in terms of the black box theory, with scientists nowhere near in deciphering the internal systems of the thought process.

The black box theory of consciousness

May 14, 2011

Scientific Names for Everyday Objects [SNEO]

Title says all.

Lets do it. We give ordinary things extraordinary names.

 Handheld Darkness Eliminator

 Dielectric Food Heater

 Mental Image Converter

 Air Acceleration Unit

 Liquid Transportation Instruments

Temporary Hibernation Unit

 Hey, this might be pretty interesting!

And, for the first time ever, I ask for your input~! What you need to do is, name the following object in similar fashion to the above, in the comments below.

Behold, the 

May 8, 2011

Ending the 48÷2(9+3) debate.

An issue of mathematical grammar circulating the internet lately has been how to read a mathematical expression like
LaTeX Code: 48 \\div 2 (9 + 3)
that involves a combination of division and implied multiplication.

The standard way to read arithmetic expression (i.e. order of operations) involves dealing with parentheses first, then you do all division and multiplication operations from left to right, then all addition and subtraction operations from left to right.

So, this is computed as:


It doesn't matter whether the multiplication sign is shown, say:

48÷2 x (9+3)

or whether they are in different forms: (representing divisions by a slash):


they all mean the same thing.

This problem arises due to the ambiguous nature of the equation, and it can represent different things for people who follow different conventions. So, the next time you write an equation, try to avoid writing like the above, write as unambiguous as possible, say:


Note: Someone suggested that the (9+3) integer be represented by a variable y i.e. 48÷2(y), where y=9+3. Now, it is understood that the order of operations proceeds like usual, and:

48÷2(y) , y = (9+3)
=(48/2)y   , y = 12

Perhaps this wolfram page will clear any remaining doubts.

edit: 48÷2y =/= 48÷2(y)
In reference to the above, one cannot simply remove the parenthesis, as when y=9+3 is applied to the equation, the only solution must be 48÷2(y) as you cannot remove the brackets through substitution of an unknown.

In other words, you cannot remove the brackets by substituting y = 9+3 into ...(9+3). Substitution will only bring about the general form of 48÷2(y), nothing else.

May 7, 2011


For those of you who don't know it, Wolfram Alpha is a very powerful online engine designed to answer your questions. Unlike normal search engines, Wolfram Alpha processes your question and attempts to answer by computing from structured data, whereas a normal search engine would just provide a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer.

Wolfram Alpha always manages to astound me with its profound accuracy and precision.
The cool thing is, wolfram is not limited to science- or maths-based queries.

Wolfram Alpha can also respond to increasingly complex, natural-language fact-based questions such as:
 "Who is Robinson Crusoe?"
"How old was (someone) in (year)?"

Also, one can input the name of a website, and it will return relevant information about the site, including its hosting location, site rank, number of visitors and more. I just knew this recently.

More information:

From wikipedia:
The following are examples of queries using Wolfram Alpha. They are accompanied by links to the results of each search to illustrate the variety of answers that Wolfram Alpha provides to non-specific queries.
  • mortgage 6%, 25 year, $140000[8] displays, among other things, repayment rates and graphs that represent capital vs. interest over time.
  • life expectancy france 25 year old male[9] which gives a survival analysis for a person of the given demographic.
  • boiling point of water at 6 atm[10] which returns a phase diagram alongside the result of 432.6 Kelvins.
  • lim(x->0) x/sin x[11] yields the expected result, 1, a plot, and the series expansion. The button "show steps" provides a possible derivation of the result using L'Hôpital's rule.[12]

May 2, 2011

Converting Windows into Solar Generators.

MIT is up to it again- with constructive plans for the rest of humankind. Behold!



Ugh, that didn't have the effect I expected.

Getting back on track, if MIT's new development pans out as expected, someday the entire surface area of a building's windows could be used to generate electricity without losing any degree of transparency.

The essential part is an organic-based photoelectric cell, which utilises the energy of the infrared-spectrum electromagnetic waves while allowing visible light to pass through. Coated on a pane of common window glass, it could provide power for various electrical devices, and will cut installation costs by taking advantage of existing window structures.

Vladimir Bulovic', professor of electrical engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, says:

"These days, anywhere from half to two-thirds of the cost of a traditional, thin-film solar-power system comes from those installation costs, and up to half of the cost of the panels themselves is for the glass and structural parts."

But the transparent photovoltaic system he developed with Richard Lunt, a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Laboratory of Electronics, could eliminate many of those associated costs, they say.

A paper by Bulovic' and Lunt recounting their new system has been published online in the journal Applied Physics Letters, and will appear in a upcoming issue of the print edition.

Earlier endeavors to create functioning transparent solar cells either had severely low degrees of efficiency(less than 1 percent of incoming solar radiation is converted to electricity), or have impeded too much light to be of much practical use in windows. However, the MIT professionals were able to achieve their objective - by formulating a specific chemical compound for their cells that, when combined with partially infrared-reflective coatings, gives both high visible-light transparency and much better efficiency than earlier versions — comparable to that of non-transparent organic photovoltaic cells.

Picture Unrelated.

In a new building, or one where windows are being replaced anyway, adding the transparent solar cell material to the glass would be a relatively small incremental cost, since the cost of the glass, frames and installation would all be the same with or without the solar component, the researchers say, although it is too early in the process to be able to estimate actual costs. And with modern double-pane windows, the photovoltaic material could be coated on one of the inner surfaces, where it would be completely shelthered from weather or window washing. Only wiring connections to the window and a voltage controller would be needed to complete the system in a home.

In addition, much of the cost of existing solar panels comes from the glass substrate that the cells are placed on, and from the handling of that glass in the factory. Again, much of that cost would not apply if the process were made part of an existing window-manufacturing operation. Overall, Bulovic' says, “a large fraction of the cost could be eliminated” compared to today’s solar installations.

This will not be the ultimate solution to all the nation’s energy needs, Bulovic' says, but rather it is part of “a family of solutions” for producing power without greenhouse-gas emissions. “It’s attractive, because it can be added to things already being deployed,” rather than requiring land and infrastructure for a whole new system.


On an unrelated note, did you know what does the O and the K in OK stand for?

taken directly from 

OK -Word Origin-
1839, only survivor of a slang fad in Boston and New York c.1838-9 for abbreviations of common phrases with deliberate, jocular misspellings (cf. K.G. for "no go," as if spelled "know go"); in this case, "oll korrect." Further popularized by use as an election slogan by the O.K. Club, New York boosters of Democratic president Martin Van Buren's 1840 re-election bid, in allusion to his nickname Old Kinderhook, from his birth in the N.Y. village of Kinderhook. Van Buren lost, the word stuck, in part because it filled a need for a quick way to write an approval on a document, bill, etc. The noun is first attested 1841; the verb 1888. Spelled out as okeh, 1919, by Woodrow Wilson, on assumption that it represented Choctaw okeh "it is so" (a theory which lacks historical documentation); this was ousted quickly by okay after the appearance of that form in 1929. Okey-doke is student slang first attested 1932. Greek immigrants to America who returned home early 20c. having picked up U.S. speech mannerisms were known in Greece as okay-boys, among other things.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper 

source for the Powerplant Windows: